Article by Dr Raghuram Y.S. MD (Ay) & Dr Manasa S, B.A.M.S
Acharya Vagbhata, in the Sneha Vidhi Adhyaya i.e. chapter 16 of Ashtanga Hridaya Sutrasthana, has given a unique concept of administration of Sneha while specifying their clinical utility.

Herein, he has mentioned three methods of consuming medicated fats. They are –
– Prak Bhakta – consuming Sneha before intake of food
– Madhya Bhakta – consuming Sneha in between the food and
– Uttara Bhakta – consuming Sneha after taking food
Ref – Ashtanga Hridaya Sutra Sthana, Chapter 16, Verse 22
Benefits of Prak Bhakta, Madhya Bhakta and Uttara Bhakta Sneha
व्याधीञ्जयेद्बलं कुर्यादङ्गानां च यथाक्रमम्॥२२॥
Prak Bhakta Sneha
Prak = before, Bhakta = food, Sneha = unctuous substance
Sneha consumed before food will bestow the below mentioned benefits –
– It will cure the diseases affecting the lower portion / parts of the body
– It will strengthen the lower parts of the body
Other points of interest –
– This form of Sneha follows the same principles of ‘prak bhakta aushadha sevana kala’ i.e. ‘medicines taken before food’, because Sneha is also a medicine.
– Since it is taken on an empty stomach, before food, the Sneha will be properly digested without getting expelled. It comes into direct contact with agni.
– It is the best remedy for apana vata dushti. It balances apana vata fluctuations and also cures diseases caused by apana vata. Therefore, it is beneficial to cure diseases of the colon, urinary system, genital system, pelvic organs and lower limbs.
– It also strengthens the organs mentioned above.
– Sneha indicated for weight loss shall be given before food.
– Sneha given during this time will also cure the diseases of the stomach by destroying the aggravated doshas in the stomach.
– Sneha to be administered to children, women, aged persons and cowards shall be given before food.
– In general, Vata disorders can be treated with this form of Sneha.
Madhya Bhakta Sneha
Madhya = middle, in between, Bhakta = food, Sneha = unctuous substance
Sneha consumed in between the food will bestow the below mentioned benefits –
– It will cure the diseases affecting the middle portion / parts of the body
– It will strengthen the middle parts of the body
Method – First the person should take half of the meals. Then he should take Sneha. Following this, he should eat the other half of the meal.

Other points of interest –
– This form of Sneha follows the same principles of ‘madhya bhakta aushadha sevana kala’ i.e. ‘medicines taken in between food’, because Sneha is also a medicine.
– Since the Sneha is given in between the food, the medicine is retained in the stomach for a long time. This gives time for digestion and action of medicine. This Sneha also gets digested along with food.
– Since it is indicated in diseases of the middle portions / parts of the body, it can be used to treat the diseases of heart (circulatory system), lungs (respiratory system), stomach, small intestine / duodenum, liver, spleen, gallbladder and pancreas. This Sneha also strengthens these organs.
– Madhya Bhakta Sneha is the best form of Sneha which can be used to balance Samana Vata and Pachaka Pitta and also to treat the diseases caused by imbalances of these subtypes of doshas. This Sneha can be readily given to improve digestion in persons with poor digestive capacity, indigestion and anorexia.
– In general, it is the best form of Sneha to combat pitta disorders and also to balance pitta in the gut.
Uttara Bhakta Sneha
Uttara = after, Bhakta = food, Sneha = unctuous substance
Sneha consumed in after the food will bestow the below mentioned benefits –
– It will cure the diseases affecting the upper portion / parts of the body
– It will strengthen the upper parts of the body
Other points of interest –
– This form of Sneha follows the same principles of ‘adho bhakta aushadha sevana kala’ i.e. ‘medicines taken after food’.
– Since Sneha is given after taking the food, the Sneha mixes with food and interacts with it in the stomach. It gets properly mixed with food, digested with it and circulated with the ahara rasa throughout the body with the help of vyana vata.
– Since it is indicated in diseases of the upper portions of the body, it can be used to treat diseases of the head / brain, nervous system, eyes, nose, ear, and throat and endocrine imbalances and all jatrurdhwa rogas – diseases manifesting above the level of collar bone. It also strengthens the organs and tissues mentioned herein. It pacifies diseases of head, throat and chest with immediate effect.
– If producing stoutness is the intention, Sneha can be given after food. It helps in effective and healthy weight gain.
– This form of Sneha balances vyana vata and cures disease caused by the imbalances of vyana vata if administered after breakfast or lunch.
– Uttara Bhakta Sneha when given after evening meals i.e. dinner, it proves a best remedy for imbalances of Udana Vata and diseases caused by it. So, it is also an effective remedy for speech disorders, loss of energy and enthusiasm, loss of strength, loss of complexion and memory disorders.
– As per Acharya Sharangadhara, Sneha administered after dinner or evening food is beneficial for treating diseases caused due to imbalances in Prana Vata and hence beneficial in diseases of nervous system, endocrine system and sense organs. It is also beneficial in treating disorders caused by kapha imbalances.
– In general, Kapha disorders can be treated with this form of Sneha.