let your body & soul chill

Holistic cupping THERAPY

Re-discover your sense of well-being with personalized therapies that nurture the body, skin and mind.

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Our Services

Every facet of daily life is aligned with the purpose of nurturing health, harmony, and spiritual growth and provides a complete experiential education in holistic living.

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Cupping improves overall blood flow and promotes cell repair. It improves overall health.

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Massage calms the nervous system and promotes a sense of relaxation and well being. It is wonderful remedy for pain.

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Get a consultation on how to improve health by using home remedies, herbal medicine and nutrition.


relaxing day

Treat Yourself to a Spa Day

Have the most amazing time at our wonderful spa center.

Welcome to our professional spa salon where you can find any type of treatment for your specific needs or preferences! Every facet of daily life is aligned with the purpose of nurturing health, harmony, and spiritual growth and provides a complete experiential education in holistic living.

frequently asked questions


We are happy to answer all of your questions and concerns regarding the services and procedures that we provide at our studio!

01. What is dry cupping?

Dry cupping is a complementary healing modality rooted in traditional Chinese medicine. Proponents of this modality say cupping can treat pain and restore order in the body by unblocking disturbances in the circulation, energy channels and pathways of the body.

03. Is Hijama cupping safe? 

Yes! It’s SAFE!

Hijamah Therapy, with the help of disposable plastic cups and suction brings up toxins and stagnated blood from underlying tissue, interstitial fluid and capillary beds to the surface of the skin, where the biochemical waste comes out through the superficial incisions of the epidermis and dermis. Hijama induces a better local blood flow (hyperemia), a better blood flow generates heat, and heat removes tension.

05. Can hijama cupping be done on the whole body? (Body, Neck & Head)

Hijama cupping for the entire body can make a significant difference in your health condition. Most of the people who never get it done are those who fear the procedure and think it will hurt a lot. Rest assured that slight incisions are completely harmless and painless when done by a professional. They don’t leave any mark on your body like a deep cut does.

The Prophet (ﷺ) said: “Healing is in three things: A gulp of honey, cupping, and branding with fire (cauterizing). But I forbid my followers to use (cauterization) branding with fire.” [Bukhari]

02. Infertility and Hormonal Imbalance ( PCO ) Treatment

Includes: acupressure, reflexology & all essential points (20 cups).  Infertility means not being able to become pregnant after a year of trying. If a woman can get pregnant but keeps having miscarriages or stillbirths, that’s also called infertility. Infertility is fairly common. After one year of having unprotected sex, about 15% of couples are unable to get pregnant.

04. What does cupping your stomach do? 

Gentle cupping over the abdomen stimulates the insides of your digestive organs. It aids in peristalsis (contractions that push food through your digestive tract), helps clear colon blockages, encourages blood and body fluid to move through your organs, and helps relieve indigestion.

06. Sunnah Hijama Points with Ruqya

Drink lots of water to help detox your body and remove any unwanted toxins (6-8 cups per day thereafter). Avoid eating meat and dairy for 24 hours, this will help with healing processes.  The best and most beneficial days to have Cupping performed, also commonly known as the ‘Sunnah Days’ are the 17th, 19th or 21st of the Lunar calendar.

Our wonderful specialist will take care of you


Asma Abdullah

Hijama (Cupping Therapy) Training January 2025
Hijama/Cupping Therapy Training Diploma | Certified Massage Therapist (CMT)


Few Quotes

from valuable people

"Whoever performs cupping on the 17th, 19th, or 21st (of the Islamic month), it will be a cure for every disease."
— (Sunan Abu Dawood 3861)

The Prophet ﷺ

"The Prophet ﷺ said "On the night of my ascent to the heavens, I never passed by a company of angels, except that they exhorted me to practice Hijama by the way of treatment."

Malik bin Sa'sa'ah (RA)

"I highly recommend Asma Abdullah, very professional, experienced, and knowledgeable. I had an amazing experience doing hijama cupping for the first time with her."

Sara Sarmad

"MashaAllah, I had a really good experience. Sister Asma is really the best therapist. She was so patient in treating my back issues.  ."


Aisha Samad

Schedule TOday!


Welcome to our professional office salon where you can find any type of treatment for your specific needs or preference.

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Work Hours

Mon-Thurs 8:00 AM - 5:00PM
Sat - Sun 9:00 am - 4:00 pm

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